And the fall colors that abound here cannot compare to where I grew up where farms, fields and open spaces predominated the landscape and trees were far and few between.
Here we are surrounded by mighty Oaks and Maples, Birch, Elm and Ash trees that grow so readily that they tend to grow like weeds in any disturbed soil available. But that comes with the abundance of them... many trees make many seedlings!
But I really don't mind, I can easily put up with the babies that abound as it is their parents that I truely love. (Yes, I admit it... I am a tree hugger! Ü)
The shades of orange, red and yellow they display this time of year is breath taking and there are some of which that seem to possess an impossible internal glow. And this year, I have found the colors extremely brilliant. It is a magnificent sensual explosion to feast your eyes upon. I have been having a hard time keeping my eyes on the road while driving!
I was curious as to what tree leaves turn what colors so I found this information on the website-
"Leaf color changes in New England fall foliage color changes are determined by the tree's species. For instance, the evergreens, spruce, fir trees and rhododendrons and laurel, among others, are called evergreens for a reason. Even though some species will change the color of their leaves, what remains at season's end stays green.
Birch, elm, poplar, redbud and hickory trees give us the gold and yellow hues that seem to dominate as the backdrop for the reds in autumn's color scheme.
Red oak, hickory, ash, sugar maple, sweet gum, black gum, sourwood, red maple, as well as dogwoods give us the stunning red, deep magenta and purple colors, although they can produce yellow leaves. We get maroon from sumac."
And just in case you missed it, or you live where farms, fields and open spaces predominated the landscape, here is a little recap of the month of October in our neck of the woods.
I truely would not want to miss being here this time of year!
But perhaps... I could miss the months of January and February then?